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You’re not the only one with questions about blinds and shades. Read on to see some answers to the frequently asked questions about window treatments.

Which material is better, wooden panels or plastic ones?

Both materials have pros and cons. Wood is great for a natural and warm aesthetic. Plastic is light and flexible which means the blind as a whole will be under less strain over time. Wooden blinds are heavier and offer no flexibility, this can make them more of a threat around children. They also require some extra maintenance. Consider getting faux wood blinds that offer similar appeal without the added upkeep.

How can I keep the cord on my blind from jamming?

The jamming usually occurs because the tilter system holding the cord is not strong or compact enough. It's allowing the cord to come out of place when forced. Avoid pulling it harshly if you are. You can have the cord replaced if the situation persists. Alternatively, you can opt for motorized blinds that do away with manual operation entirely.

How often should I clean my fabric shades?

Ideally, you should clean them with a feather duster or vacuum them using the upholstery attachment once a week or twice a month. If you want to keep your shades in good condition, taking proper care of them is vital. The more you neglect them, the faster they'll wear out and the less they'll last.

What kinds of blinds are suitable for smaller windows?

A window covering model with larger vanes can actually make the shade appear optically bigger. If you want, you can use the coverings for decorative purposes and choose ones which are full of color and with vibrant patterns. Roller shades and mini blinds tend to be some of the more popular choices when dealing with especially small windows. But you can opt for any of the available types. The choice is really up to you.

What is the difference between layered shades and cellular shades?

While they may look somewhat similar, these two types of shades are rather different. Layered shades have a strip-colored backing that creates a street-level uniformed appearance. They consist of two sets of vanes of contrasting colors, one sheer one opaque. The two layers roll over each other and block sunlight when the vanes are parallel. Cellular shades are window coverings made from a pleated fabric that form honeycomb-shaped compartments. These compartments trap air to provide insulation. Because of their pocket design, these shades tend to be heavier than other types.

What are roller blinds/shades?

Roller shades are window covers that operate via a roller mechanism that can be adjusted to different heights. Their fabric can be sheer and light filtering, or opaque that provides complete blackout conditions. These are one of the simplest types of shades available today, and they make for an affordable and elegant shading solution.

How important is the number of cells in cellular shades?

As you can guess, there's a direct correlation between the number and size of the cells and the thermal efficiency the shade in question will provide. You can typically choose from single, double and triple cell models. Larger windows will require a larger solution. Naturally, the more cells and the thicker the fabric, the heavier the shade will be.


When you need the right window coverings for your home or office, think of us first. Just leave your contact information below and an expert will return your call soon!


Our design team is known for guaranteed customer satisfaction, outstanding service and competitive pricing. For perfect blinds or shades for your home or office, give our friendly experts a call.

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Mar 31, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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